Category Archives: Grocery online

Art Of Buying vegetables and groceries – 5 things we might be doing Worng

Veggie Storage 5 Things You Might be Doing Wrong

Eating fresh veggies is one of the healthiest habits. Fresh vegetables are stocked with vitamins, minerals, essential oils, antioxidants and phytonutrients that are highly beneficial. But we understand that shopping for fresh produce on a daily basis is tough, so we store them. Stocking up on your weekly quota of veggies is great but storing them correctly is essential! Here, we list some common mistakes that most people make while storing their veggies.

1. Store what you need


When you go veggie shopping, do not buy too much. Buying excess veggies means they will be stored in the cold corners of your refrigerator which will eventually lead to rotting. Use the mantra – Buy, Use and Replace. This is the best way to make sure all your food is fresh.

After you’ve made your weekly buy, store them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. Refrigerators with an active fresh technology like that from Whirlpool’s new frost-free range armed with Microblock technology will help keep your veggies fresh along with preventing microbial growth.

2. Stashing your greens in plastic bags


Some people use plastic bags to store their veggies. Although this might be convenient and inexpensive, it is not beneficial. Plastic bags stop air circulation which makes it difficult for veggies to stay fresh, resulting in faster-rotting greens. Use perforated containers to keep leafy green veggies airy and fresh in the refrigerator.

Refrigerator’s High Moisture Retention Technology maintains optimum temperature in the vegetable compartment to avoid any damage to your veggies, plus the Microblock technology prevents microbial growth which helps retain the vegetables’ freshness.

3. Not rotating your storage


When your vegetables are refrigerated, it is best to use the ones stored earlier. Maintain a system of rotating your oldest storage to the front and freshly stored veggies to the back. This will prevent food wastage.

4. Using broken boxes and inappropriate storage material


If you are in the habit of buying excess, make sure you use the right containers to store your greens. Put them in proper boxes that shut well, are air tight and are not broken. Any kink in the storage container causes rotting.

5. Storing vegetables that you have never cooked before


There will be times when you might get in the mood to experiment and buy certain vegetables that you’ve never tried before. Make sure you buy just the right amount so that they aren’t kept away in a frosty corner of your fridge only to get wasted. Less popular veggies like bitter gourd and pumpkin are such examples.

Points: Always buy what you need, Say No to Extra stocking, there are many Online grocery stores around you, order them when you need, for the same price those stores deliver the fresh products at your door steps for free.

Planning – Plan which one you gonna use it first? segregate those vegetables and fruits and start using accordingly.

Note- Article Ref –

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images


cough kids

Cold, cough, fever all these are few problems that is almost common in every person’s life. But do we go to doctor every time? Our lives are so busy and precious that, we go online to buy vegetables and groceries too from the best online supermarkets. And hence taking care of ourselves is too very much needed.

It is said that the first school in our life is at home. Similarly, I am confident that everyone would agree that every mother is a doctor too as she not only keeps you healthy but also keeps your mental health in great condition.

Its normal that every elder person in a house would be knowing about the homemade medicines for at least the common problems. But with the extinct of the joint family method and the implementation of nuclear family types, almost every house will just have 4 to 5 members and this has been the reason why people are not knowing about all those homemade remedies now a days. So this is a venture to just educate people about the homemade medicines against cold.

Cough has been an instant reaction to clear off the breathing passage of dust, mucous secretions etc. Coughs may be voluntary or involuntary. The reason for cough may be smoking, infection in respiratory tract and many more. And cough may also be an indication to lot many diseases. Hence taking care of cough will be of prime importance.

Homemade remedies have always been in practice from times immemorial. Even before the doctors were known to the world, homemade remedies were found and were in practice and this becomes the strong reason as to why we need to learn these. And these are useful at some point of the time for sure and it is a safety exit always when there is no access for doctors. Hence let us learn it with great interest and concentration.


Homemade medicines for cough:

  1.   Prepare a garlic solution and take in small quantities. This curbs the bacterial growth as it is anti-bacterial in nature.
  2.   The honey kept in fridge with cloves dipped and consumed in the morning (1 tbsp) will reduce the inflammation and also acts a remedy for throat pain.
  3.   Gargling of hot water with salt is the easiest remedy for cough. This reduces the swelling of throat and in turn coughs.
  4.   Lemon and honey makes a best pair for reducing inflammation again.
  5.   Nutrition present in almond is a remedy for cough and hence consumes almonds periodically.
  6.   Carrot juice is known to reduce cough symptoms in a gradual manner.
  7.   Mix honey with warm milk and consume it to reduce cough and also to relieve the pain of chest which arises due to continuous coughing.
  8.   Turmeric is an herb which is used in almost all the medicines. This has the capacity to reduce dry cough and hence the use.
  9.  The property to curb virus by ginger makes it an important item to reduce cough.

There are many more remedies and these are the few I have enumerated. And from now on try these home remedies and do not try these when there is a serious problem.

Hope these homemade medicines are carried forward for the future generation by each and every single reader. Thank you.

Homemade Medicines for Constipation



Constipation is nothing but bowel movements which are hard and infrequent! This is a cause which is common for painful defecation. Constipation is actually a symptom which has many causes. The common cause for this may be due to insufficient intake of dietary fibres. There are medicines for this problem but it is better to cure it with homemade medicines itself to a certain extent. Here we have some homemade medicines for the treatment of constipation.

Few homemade medicines for constipation are:

  • Lemon juice is the best remedy for this and is very easy too. Add lemon to warm water and consume it early in the morning to get rid of constipation and this also acts as a cleansing agent.
  • By adding figs in warm milk and drinking it daily, constipation is reduced effectively as fig is a source of dietary fibres.
  • Castor oil is helpful in killing the intestinal worms but castor oil to be consumed directly is pretty tough and is not which everyone likes. So, just add castor oil to warm milk and consume it.
  • Orange contains a large amount of vitamin C but we have to note that it is also a source of dietary fibres. Hence consuming orange daily also avoids constipation.
  • Raisins have to be soaked in water and have to be consumed early in the morning in empty stomach. It is best suited for pregnant women as they do not have any side effects and it also acts as energy booster along with the action for constipation problem.
  • The fibre filled guavas are natural laxative in nature for body. They aid in the mucus production activity too.
  • Spinach can cleanse intestine completely and is also effective for constipation problem. Small amount of spinach juice to the body plays the magic of relieving constipation completely.

Here were the few homemade remedies for constipation which I knew. There are many more remedies and as life is a constant process of learning, I am also still learning about it.



Asafoetida is the dried latex part of a rhizome root or tap root of many of the plants. It has a smell which is fetid in nature or also known as pungent smell. It gives a very grooming and a very loving taste to the dishes whenever it is used. It is used in many of the dishes starting from even making of pickle. The binomial name of asafoetida is Ferula assa-foetida. It is also known as hing


The benefits provided by asafoetida are:

  • Hing is the best remedy for menstrual problems in women like cramps, pain, dysmenorrhoea and irregular menstruation.
  • The herb is helpful in the treatment of candida infection.
  • It is a best home medicine for indigestion problems.
  • Due to its excellent laxation property, it prevents constipation.
  • Gastric problem is avoided successfully by the use of this ingredient.
  • This herb is said to cure the problem of impotency in men.
  • Hing helps in the secretion of more insulin by pancreatic cells and hence avoids diabetes.
  • The coumarins in the herb avoids blood clotting by thinning of blood.
  • The neurological problems like convulsion, hysteria etc., are avoided by this.
  • Hing is a powerful anti-oxidant and this helps in the prevention of cancer.
  • Many skin care products make use of asafoetida for their beauty secret formulas.

The side effects caused by asafoetida:          

  • For people who are allergic to this hing, it may cause swelling in lips, headache, blood disorders etc.
  • Asafoetida is not recommended much for children as it may cause blood disorders in them.
  • Avoid using hing if you are a pregnant woman as it is said to cause miscarriage.
  • Breast feeding women are also said to avoid hing as the chemicals of it is passed to the child through the milk which may cause bleeding disorders.
  • People with bleeding disorder shouldn’t have asafoetida.

With these benefits and warnings in mind, hing or asafoetida should be used.

Explore all the health and organic products here – CLICK HERE

Health Benefits of Beetroots – The Root Cause for Healthy Living


As the name beetroot suggest, it’s the root of the plant which we use in our daily life. It’s the edible part of the beetroot plant. Beetroot is called beet in informal way. The leafy part of the plant is also edible but the most well-known and the most used part is the roots! The economic aspect of beetroot is that it is not too costly to the consumer and is available in almost all the seasons and is healthy too in lot many aspects. Usually there are pinkish red beetroots which are available but it is said that even yellow beetroots are grown though I have not seen those types till date.
The nutritional aspect of beetroot tells us about the presence of folate and a very large content of manganese along with the presence of magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin B6, A etc. It is said that just six beetroot is equal to 10 times the fruit and vegetables consumed in a day.
The health benefits of beetroots are:
• Beetroot is almost fat free and has too low amount of calories and hence keeps the blood sugar level stable and in limits.
• Beetroot helps to maintain the body weight by not accumulation of fats due to the low calorie amount.
• The iron content of beetroot helps in the treatment of amnesia.
• Fatigue problem can be avoided by beetroot due to its iron and vitamin content.
• Study by Wake Forest University which is situated in USA has proved the ability of beetroots in fighting the problem of progressive dementia.
• Even Alzheimer’s can be prevented successively by the usage of beetroot.
• The soluble fibre content present in beetroot helps in making cholesterol level lower in the body.
• The mineral silica in beetroot helps in utilization of calcium which is very much helpful for muscular and skeletal development in the human body.
• The folic acid present in beetroot helps in the growth of tissues in the body.
• In first three months of pregnancy, the folic acid in beetroot plays a very important role in the development of baby’s spinal cord.
• The anti-oxidants present in beetroot is said to reduce the risk of heart stoke and related problems by protecting the walls of artery.
• The effective management of blood pressure in the body is also one of its benefits.
These are just some of the health benefits of beetroot among many more!!!

There are many online grocery stores where they sell Fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables, with free home delivery facility.


Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green Tea

Tea is a known drink to the whole world ranging from children to age old people. While in India, both tea and coffee are well known, particularly in South India coffee is preferred the same extent as that of tea! Many people are concerned about the caffeine content that will be present in coffee and hence desert to tea. But the drawback with some people is that they get addicted to tea and hence will get headaches and other issues when they do not consume tea. While to encounter such problems, green tea plays a very important role and is known to dominate the characters of tea.

Green tea is a beverage which is said to be cheap and best and also has many of the benefits which are not known by people usually. Today let us try to learn about few benefits and conclude that drinking green tea is not harmful to health.

The benefits of green tea are :

  • The most important is that green tea helps in avoiding cancer as it has antioxidants to a cent times more than that present in vitamin C.
  • Heart attack is prevented effectively due to the presence of very low levels of cholesterol in green tea.
  • The polyphenols present in green tea help in free radical substitution which is anti-ageing in nature.
  • The weight loss in the body is also promoted by green tea very vigorously as it burns fat and cholesterol naturally.
  • Research shows that green tea helps to prevent liver transplantation failure.
  • The anti-oxidants in green tea is said to make the person less prone to Parkinson’s disease.
  • The blood pressure is also controlled by green tea by calming the angiotensin secretion which leads to high blood pressure.
  • Vitamin C in green tea also helps to avoid cold and flu.
  • Theophyline which is present in green tea is said to prevent asthma by dilating the bronchial tubes.
  • By soaking cotton in green tea and cleansing the ear regularly, ear infection is said to be avoided though I have not tried still.
  • It also helps in avoiding herpes according to a study.

To avail all these benefits it is said that people should drink green tea for at least 3 to 4 times a day. After knowing all these, let’s not get a thought of green tea being addiction and bad for health.

Secrets Of Cucumber Unravelled



Cucumber hails from a vine family of cucurbitaceae and is a creeper basically.  In 2005, China produced more than 60% of the global output of cucumbers according to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Nutritional content of cucumber : Cucumbers has a wide range of nutrient content. They have a wide variety of health supportive phytonutrients. Cucumber acts as an excellent source for molybdenum, pantothenic acid and vitamin K. They even have small content of vitamin C, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, biotin and vitamin B1. They even contain mineral silica.

Secret benefits of cucumber :

  1. Cut a slice of cucumber and rub it on skin to make the skin tight and wrinkle free. This is mainly due to the presence of phytochemicals. It fixes cellulite of skin immediately.
  2. The vitamin B and carbohydrates acts as an awesome energy booster for body and helps not to lose the glamour of skin by constipation.
  3. May people are prone to getting up with a headache due to hangover. The best remedy is supposed to be eating few slices of cucumber before having a tight sleep. The vital nutrients lost by the body is replaced and the hangover effect is take off from the body.
  4. From ancient times, people travelling or exploring the world used cucumber for sustaining starvation. This successfully shows the ability of cucumber to curb starvation.
  5. To reduce the stress in pregnant woman, cut few slices of cucumber and boil it in water. The nutrients present in cucumber gets released to water and releases an aroma which is said to reduce stress.
  6. When there is a sunburn, just cut a slice of cucumber and keep it on your skin to ward off skin burn and remove the cucumber slice after it gets warm.
  7. By rubbing a slice of cucumber on the inner edges of the mirror, you can avoid the clouding of the mirror in bathroom!!
  8. By rubbing a slice of cucumber over your shoes, it gets a shiny surface and also doesn’t lose this shine even when wet in water. So it makes a good shoe polish.

These are a few secret benefits of cucumber.

Wait for some more benefits to be unravelled in the next blog!!!!!

Sanjeev Kapoors recipes – Almond Rice With Mixed Vegetables

Source –

Almonds,slivered 1/2 cup
•Almonds,ground 1/4 cup
Basmati rice,soaked and drained 1 cup
Potato,peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces 1 medium
Green capsicum,seeded and diced 1/2
Zucchini,diced 1/2 cup
Carrots,thinly sliced 1/3 cup
French beans,chopped 1/3 cup
Shelled green peas 1/3 cup
Oil 5 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon
•Dried red chilli 1
•Garam masala powder 1/2 teaspoon
•Fresh coriander leaves,coarsely chopped 2 tablespoons

Heat three tablespoons oil in a deep non-stick pan. Add slivered almonds and sauté till golden, drain on absorbent paper. Sprinkle a little salt, mix well and set aside. In the same pan, add one more tablespoon oil and heat. Add potatoes and sauté until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper and set aside. Add the remaining oil in the same pan and heat. Add cumin seeds and red chilli and sauté till brown. Add capsicum, zucchini and rice. Mix well and cook for two minutes. Add two and a half cups water, ground almonds, salt and garam masala powder. Mix well and bring it to a boil on high heat. Add carrots, beans and green peas. Mix well, cover and cook on low heat for twenty to twenty-five minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed. Switch off heat and let it stand for another five minutes. Remove cover and add fried almonds and potatoes. Mix well. Serve hot garnished with coriander leaves.

NOTE : ALL The Products Required to Make this recipes available at QUSEC.IN or Click on the Name and Buy all the Grocery online free Home Delivery in Bangalore

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