Tag Archives: lime juice

Homemade Medicines for Constipation



Constipation is nothing but bowel movements which are hard and infrequent! This is a cause which is common for painful defecation. Constipation is actually a symptom which has many causes. The common cause for this may be due to insufficient intake of dietary fibres. There are medicines for this problem but it is better to cure it with homemade medicines itself to a certain extent. Here we have some homemade medicines for the treatment of constipation.

Few homemade medicines for constipation are:

  • Lemon juice is the best remedy for this and is very easy too. Add lemon to warm water and consume it early in the morning to get rid of constipation and this also acts as a cleansing agent.
  • By adding figs in warm milk and drinking it daily, constipation is reduced effectively as fig is a source of dietary fibres.
  • Castor oil is helpful in killing the intestinal worms but castor oil to be consumed directly is pretty tough and is not which everyone likes. So, just add castor oil to warm milk and consume it.
  • Orange contains a large amount of vitamin C but we have to note that it is also a source of dietary fibres. Hence consuming orange daily also avoids constipation.
  • Raisins have to be soaked in water and have to be consumed early in the morning in empty stomach. It is best suited for pregnant women as they do not have any side effects and it also acts as energy booster along with the action for constipation problem.
  • The fibre filled guavas are natural laxative in nature for body. They aid in the mucus production activity too.
  • Spinach can cleanse intestine completely and is also effective for constipation problem. Small amount of spinach juice to the body plays the magic of relieving constipation completely.

Here were the few homemade remedies for constipation which I knew. There are many more remedies and as life is a constant process of learning, I am also still learning about it.

Its Summer! DeHydration is Common – Drink Lime Juice to avoid it.



Lime Juice

In this era of global warming and increased heat every summer, its best to go with liquid foods for greater extent. Hence today we will learn the benefits of the easiest juice of all times which is none other than the lemon juice!!

Lemon juice is the easiest to make which takes the least time of all and the cheapest too in the economical point of view. But in the nutritional aspect, you never can believe it ever had so many of the benefits and so many advantages. So let us learn more about it today and get to know its importance.

First a brief and easy way of making lemon juice is explained:

Just take 2 lemon and squeeze it completely and add adequate water and a spoon of sugar and mix it well and the juice is ready. A pinch of salt will add to its taste. Ginger and mint also can be added for a flavour.

Now let us study the benefits of lemon juice to skin:

  • By increasing citrane levels in the body, it decreases the consequence of kidney stones in body.
  • When lemon juice is mixed with a small amount of honey, it will cure the problem of sore throat.
  • It is also said to be effective against weight gain and hence promotes weight loss.
  • Instead of having a coffee or other drink, it is better to cultivate this habit as it adds vitamin C in the body and also helps in the stimulation of digestive tract.
  • It also is researched and confirmed that it has anticancer properties by demoting the growth of cancerous cells.
  • It is also a well-known remedy to bring down temperature at the time of fever.
  • They are a very good source of alkalinity to body thus help in the pH balance in the body.
  • It is a good home made medicine for bad breath.
  • The mucus levels in the body can be reduced by its consumption.

So after knowing all these, may be at least some of you are planning to take this safest liquid during summer…

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